A short history of the graphic universe; naive rock’n… :D
Massacan is a typo, a name, colors, a logo and pictograms including our family of mascots.
We scribbled a lot on our notebooks and then on the tablet until we clearly defined our universe and the elements we wanted to see appear on the bike. Then despite our imagination our pencil stroke was shaky and we called on a professional to draw the outlines of our children's drawings.
Denis from studiofolk was the perfect choice, due to his style and his recognition in the cycling world that we love; a happy explorer in love with beautiful pieces and little ones like us! Listening to our crazy ideas / in profusion, He knew how to advise us and give shape to the universe of Massacan.
The typo;
For the typo we were looking for something simple, hand-written but not too childish. We found a typo, we redrew the contours again and again until we thought “it's this one”, it's Massacan. Of course it wasn't that simple and it didn't happen in a day. But we quickly agreed on the final result.

The logo ;
For the logo it is the first sketch to fill our travel diaries at the beginning of the history of Massacan (photo of our drawings). Bic, colored pencils and tablets have some interesting first drafts of the evolution of the current logo.
We wanted to let you guess the mountain, the sea, the nights outside and wrapped it all in a medallion, like a precious jewel.
On our bike you can find four pictograms: the “Fatto a mano”, the “Massacan club”, the Bialetti coffee maker and the mascot, unique to each of our bikes.
The “Fatto à la mano” is a nod to our Italian craftsmen who trust us and have chosen to work with us from day one. It's the family ! Just like the “Massacan club” which is like the welcome badge for our customers because Massacan is above all a story of friends who like to ride a bike together so “wanna join the club”?
The Bialetti coffee maker is a symbol that alone sums up travel, the taste of coffee and early mornings waking up outside. So wanted to place it under the down tube with enough room to tell a story. If you look more closely in its cloud of smoke, you can see a border, the one that starts from menton and goes up to Switzerland. A border between two countries, and especially in the heart of the Alps; our playground which constantly feeds the DNA of Massacan.
Our mascots!
For the first in the history of Massacan it was obvious to choose the marmot. Because we love going to the “Le Marmotte” chalet on the Col de Tende on the Italian side and also because they have followed us all summer of our bikepacking in Italy. Nestled in the mountains, their whistles have accompanied us on the highest climbs and some have come very very close for the photo.
Colors ;
Shell Pink
olympic white
Daphne Blue